4 Activities You Can Do Today to Disciple Someone

4 Activities You Can Do Today to Disciple Someone

Sometimes discipleship is made to sound too mechanical and difficult, leading to most followers of Christ not personally discipling others as Jesus’ commanded (Matthew 28:18-20).  Since Jesus’ command was universal to all of His followers, He expects each one to take it personally as His vision for their life.

In the last letter written by Paul that was included in the Canon of Scripture, he spoke to Timothy about enduring and suffering for the cause of the Gospel of Jesus Christ until the end.  He knew his time was short so he reveals to Timothy things for us all to see.  2 Timothy 1:3-7…

Activity #1 – Pray consistently. “I remember you constantly in my prayers night and day” (vs. 3)

Who do you know well enough to pray specifically for them on a consistent basis?  Discipleship is first about being a disciple, “praying constantly” and discipling another, “as I remember you”.  This prayer is to be specific to the needs of the person prayed for, which requires some personal knowledge.

Activity #2 – Connect personally. “I remember your tears” (vs.4)

Theirs was an intimate relationship where each one was known by the other concerning the fears, hopes, and dreams they each possessed.  While this didn’t mean a total knowledge, it was meaningful beyond basic friendship.  This opens each one up to the blessings and potential problems that come with such closeness.

Activity #3 – Encourage specifically. “I am reminded of your sincere faith” (vs.5)

Paul had knowledge of the faith of Timothy’s grandmother and mother, and he was affirming its presence in Timothy’s life as well.  Sometimes it is helpful to be reminded of the foundations of our life and faith to see how it frames the context for all our experiences.

Activity #4 – Challenge courageously. “I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God” (vs.6-7)

Based upon his knowledge of Timothy’s personality, gifting, and calling he was able to challenge Timothy at the point of Timothy’s most pressing need.  The relationship they had gave Paul the right to speak into Timothy’s life at such a time and in such a way as this.


Donny Crass, Minister of Discipleship

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